Friday, May 7, 2010

FROGS! & Thank Goodness for Lori

What is there about frogs that litterly make me sick, unrational, and so afraid?

I was cleaning around on the deck when i pushed the lounge chair's back and when it came back toward me my heart litteraly stopped beating!

It couldn't be a......but it was. It was the color of the lounge chair so I knew it was one of the frogs that changes colors to match whatever it's on!!!

I immediately took off for the house thinking I'm going to have to move. I can't take this. I can't live like this!

I told Lori about the horrible creature that was on our deck and she immediately got up and went out and moved the frog!

I, of course, could not stand the thought of her letting it loose in the yard. Then I would constantly be thinking about it in the yard. NOPE, she had to be sure she put it over the fence where I would be safe.

Since this incident there is not one time that I have gone out my door to the deck and did not make a sweeping glance around for more frogs. I have to be so very careful. You understand don't you??

I can not begin to tell you how many frogs (I hate even writing the word) Lori has saved me from. And she never complains. Not a word. She will stop whatever she is doing and take care of it for me.

We once had a pool that would get frogs in the skimmer and everyday she would check the skimmer for me and remove the frogs without me seeing them.

THANK YOU LORI!!!! I Love You So Very Much for protecting me even when you think it's silly.

Once, when Samantha was around 4 they came to Tulsa for the weekend. In the house she came with a jar and big smile on her face. I was sitting on the couch and my protector vibes were going off and I knew immediately that I was in danger. As she came forward to show me her prize possession I almost did a flip to get away from her. Of course, she thought grandma was silly!

I don't know why I have such a frogaphobia but I do. Maybe it's because when we lived in Olustee we were driving home from seeing "The Rose" (see what an impression this incident left in my mind) when it started raining and I kid you not. It rained FROGS. Not just a few but hundreds!

I need help!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I love you, mom --- even if you are afraid of frogs!Lori is pretty great!