Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Let me just tell you my youngest grandson (2 yrs old) is quite the character!

Braxton was leaving our house last night and this is how the conversation goes with him.

Me: Bye Brax I Love You!

Lori: Bye Brax I Love you!

Brax: No response.

Me: Bye Brax I Love YOU!

Brax: No response.

Me: I Love You Brax!

Brax: At the front door turns around and says Bye Poopie I love you and breaks out laughing.

Poopie, this is something Brax has come up with. We don't know why except it may have come from watching a dinosuar show. But he says this to me, Lori, his mom and dad. Everyone is poopie or sometimes cocoa at sometime. So funny!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

100 Things About Me

1. I was born in Miami, Ok to Norma and E L Patterson.

2. I am very proud of and love my 3 children Chris, Lori and Tiffany. I have a wonderful daughter in law Starla (who I can talk freely about God with) and a wonderful son in law Steve (who I know would protect my baby from harm). I want my children more than anything to have a servants heart for Jesus and serve Him and be successful in whatever they choose to do.

3. I have 4 precious grandchildren who I love very much. Derek my first grandchild, Samantha my first granddaughter, Grayson my granddaughter from my oldest daughter, and Braxton our miracle baby from my youngest daughter. I love watching them grow up.
I want them to grow up with a servants heart for Jesus and be well adjusted adults that want to make a difference.

4. I love big dogs. I have had several and they become the alpha. Which is not good! Maybe because they were male!?! I still miss Jake.

5. I love baseball. I can go to a baseball game by myself and enjoy.

6. I love fall because of football weather. hint: Derek

7. Names that I go by: Lyn, Linda, Linda Kay, Linda Lou, Mom, Momma, Mommy, Grandma, Mammaw, Aunt Linda.

8. I work in the health field and enjoy it.

9. I have been parasailing and loved it.

10. I've been to Hawaii and would like to go back.

11. I thought Maine was beautiful.

12. I loved Panama City Beach. Would like to go back every summer!

13. I love walking on the beach.

14. I love to dance.

15. I like to keep up with the news.

16. I like to watch Ghost Hunters, HGTV, Castle, Dancing with the Stars, Biggest Looser and ID channel.

17. I love listening to Yoshi snore.

18. I hate frogs. They are evil. Did I say I hate FROGS!?!

19. I dislike mean spirited people.

20. I like to go out to eat.

21. I love romantic comedies.

22. I have never seen Titantic or any Star Wars/Star Treck/Twlight for that matter.

23. I love my church.

24. I love flowers; panseys, daisy's and sunflowers.

25. I love land. To be able to look out the window and see land is a blessing.

26. Silent Night is my favorite Christmas Song.

27. I miss my dad, grandma and brother so much.

28. I have friends but not one close friend.

29. I have been married 4 times. Yes, I know.

30. I love Jesus. He is my savior and loves me unconditionally.

31. I enjoy traveling.

32. I have crazy hair. It doesn't matter how it is cut it's going to look the same and to color it? Oh boy, that's another story. My hair is a stylist's nightmare.

33. I was born with red hair.

34. My eyes turned blue when I was 12.

35. I love family gatherings. I love vacations with my kids, grandkids and mom.

36. I like to go hiking.

37. I love having a pool. Very important to me. I love being able to walk out the door and get in the pool whenever I want.

38. I love times spent with just my son and we get to talk.

39. I'm a shy person but try to not show it.

40. I love to laugh.

41. I cry when I watch sad movies or read something sad..

42. I love boating and all the things that go along with it.

43. I like to ride my bicycle. I have rode in Freewheel 10 times and RAGBAI once. I do a lot of thinking when I'm riding and have seen some country that I would never have seen if not on a bike.

44. I would like to ride my bike in Vermont, Maine and along a coast.

44. I like to camp and go rafting.

45. I have had my heart broken so many times that I didn't know if superglue would glue it back together.

46. I can laugh when someone falls. sorry

47. My favorite holidays are Christmas and 4th of July.

48. I love fireworks. Disney World fireworks were the best!

49. I saw a Doors concert when I was 13. Come on baby lite my fire....

50. I love to see Rod Stewart in concert. I've seen him twice. But seeing Billy Joel with Elton John...I would go see Billy Joel again.

51. I like museums and plays.

52. I don't like it when people are bossy. Especially to me. You know who you are.

53. I like to get cards for my birthday, mothers day.....well anytime.

54. Summer is my favorite season, then spring, then fall and then winter.

55. I love watching it snow. But do not like the ice on the roads.

56. I love that Lori knew the song of my heart and lets me be me.

57. I love that I always think I can do it. Even though sometimes I fail.

58. I like to play boardgames and cards.

59. I love to read. Yes, even romantic books by Debbie McComber.

60. I like to go to christian women events or read things that will make me a better person.

61. I enjoy reading and studying my bible.

62. I love my momma and enjoy our times together.

63. I love pink, green, purples, blues.

64. I love to decorate and rearrange.

65. I love to scrapbook.

66. I love Lucia. My compassion child from Boliva. One of these years I hope to be able to go see her.

67. I would love to go on a mission trip.

68. I like to entertain even though I can stress about it.

69. I can get stressed when the house is not clean.

70. I do not like going to the dentist.

71. I had a bad accident while roller skating and bike riding.

72. I miss Easter hunts with my dad and his family.

73. I want to retire to the lake.

74. I like to do crossword puzzles. Trying to keep that mind active.

75. I do not want to be a mean person.

76. I can be sensitive and get my feelings hurt easily. I'm working on that.

77. I don't like people who drive up fast in the lane next to you and think you should let them in. You know who you are.

78. I hate child abuse. Abuse of any kind.

79. I love living in Tulsa.

80. I love the smell of a lawn freshly mowed.

81. I love to watch it storm. I like to sit on the deck when it is raining/storming.

82. I love to go shopping with Tiffany. She's my shopping girl!

83. I love barns. I'm always looking at barns when driving/traveling. You just never know when you will need one. :)

84. I graduated high school with a class of 24. I still have a friend from the 5th grade.

85. Sometimes I like to take a day and just stay in my pajamas and do nothing.

86. I always wanted to be a writer.

87. I love my War Eagle trips with my friends Kim and Dana. There use to be 8 of us and we are down to us 3. We've been going since 1996.

88. I only been geocache once but loved it and hope to get to do more.

89. I'm not very good at waiting.

90. I love to go to Zoos.

91. I'm a card carrying Cherokee.

92. I love to start projects...just don't always finish them.

93. I still believe in Santa.

94. I believe in dreams. You have to have dreams.

95. I love Beth Moore studies.

96. I love Michael O'briens song "If I Said Nothing".

97. I'm a forgiving person. Sometimes forgiving to a fault.

98. My grandmother taught me alot about being a Christian. She was one of the greatest women I ever knew and I miss her so much.

99. I don't like my body showing signs of growing old.

100. I love life on earth but am so thankful that I have an eternal life in heaven.

More gifts

21. Thankful that my surgery went well.

22. The gift of watching Braxton and Grayson dance to Wii. So CUTE!!

23. The gift of life. Realizing again how precious life is after hearing about someone I know dying at 45.

24. The weather today is beautiful. The start of spring!

25. Thankful for a mom that loves me no matter what.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

and more gifts to be thankful for

19. I'm thankful that I am having my tear duct surgery tomorrow. Even though I'm nervous I know God is in control.

20. I'm thankful for the Beth Moore study I've been doing. It's been an eye opener. Well really all her studies are!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sayre....the uneasiness starts. Part 3 1990

Mark moved to Elk City until the house he found for us in Sayre would be available. I went to Elk City to visit him for the weekend. Mark had been there for a couple of weeks and seemed a little different. I couldn't place my finger on it. I found a plastic bag of weed in the drawer and asked Mark about it. He had told me he wasn't smoking weed anymore. He gave me the excuse that it must have been left there from the previous renter. I didn't believe him. I wanted to but in my heart I knew it was his. I also, didn't want to confront him about it. I wanted so bad for everything to work out for us in Sayre.

We moved to Sayre in June. I loved Sayre. To me, Sayre look like it came right out of an old Clint Eastwood movie.

There was still something going on with Mark. He just didn't act the same. Shortly after moving in I went up to the Nursing Home. Mark showed me around and was introducing me to different people. We were standing in his office when a woman came in and Mark introduced her as the activity director. Her name was Lisa. Lisa shook hands with me and I thought to myself she was not someone you could trust and I actually had a sick feeling in my stomache! Lisa, I can only described as sugary sweet. The kind you wouldn't trust with your husband. I thought surely her husband could take care of her. Mark had mentioned her before to me and told me she was married and had 3 girls.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Shackles Free

Yesterday, I was wearing my Mandisa, Shackles Free t-shirt that I got at a EWomen conference. The t-shirt is also from her song below. I love that shirt because everytime I wear it I remember that the bonds have been broken. The bonds can be anything that keeps us from having the relationship with Christ that we are to have. My "bond" was Andre'. Just when I thought I could take no more He broke the chains that Andre' had over me. I woke up last night thinking about Andre', how long it had been, and thinking it was time for him to make contact. Well today he did by instant message. I just stared at it thinking What?? Is this a test?? Am I going to fail God by answering???? I think God was preparing me that Andre' was going to make contact and I was 'clothed in strength and dignity". The verse on the shirt is John 8:36 So if the son sets you free, you will free indeed. I am free! The chains are broken! Praise God!

Shackles (Praise You)

Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance
I just wanna praise You
I just wanna praise You
You broke the chains, now I can lift my hands
And I'm gonna praise You
I'm gonna praise You

In the corners of mind
I just can't seem to find a reason to believe
That I can break free
‘Cause you see I have been down for so long
Feel like all hope is gone
But as I lift my hands, I understand
That I should praise You through my circumstance

Everything that could go wrong
All went wrong at one time
So much pressure fell on me
I thought I was gonna lose my mind
But I know You wanna see
If I will hold on through these trials
But I need You to lift this load
‘Cause I can't take it no more

Been through the fire and the rain
Bound in every kind of way
But God has broken every chain
So let me go

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Today I had taken a client to the doctor. While I waited in the waiting room for my client I begun to look at a magazine. I was reading the last page which had a short story on it when I started actually laughing out loud and then laughing so hard I was crying.There was no stopping it. I looked around the waiting room to see if someone was hearing this laughter. A lady was coming out from the patient area and looked at me strange. I was still laughing. As she got closer to me I could tell she thought I was laughing at her. I explained that I was laughing at the story I was reading. The lady said "well I thought you were laughing at me because I said I wanted to see my 6 month old granddaughter". I guess she had been talking to the nurse. I don't think I could have heard her over my laughing. :) I assured her I wasn't laughing at her but the story and she said "I'm glad you have had your laugh for the day" and walked out the door.

Laughter, a good belly laughter, is good for the soul! Maybe not to the people that had to witness it but it was good for me.

Monday, March 1, 2010

This Weekend

I took a Yoga class on Saturday which was my first time. I found that even though it's been several months since my roller skating accident I'm still having problems with dizziness! When we were doing the floor part I just had to lie there and spin. :)
The idea of taking this class was to build my upper strength for Freewheel. How can I ride a bike up hills all those miles if I don't have upper strength? I thought I needed to be in better shape this year. We will see.

Sunday after Church I got to spend some time with Tiffany and Braxton. We had a good time shopping and just being together. For not having his nap, Braxton was really good. We went to the mall first and then to Sams. At Sams he had taken all he could and fell asleep in the cart. So precious.


The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed. Psalm 34:18

How many times have we felt crushed or brokenhearted? It could have been over a failed relationship/marriage, a job lost, our home in foreclosure, a child not walking with the Lord, a child with a terminal illness, a parent ill and as simple as someone hurting our feelings. Someone we trusted. But, nevertheless, brokenhearted and crushed. Or how about brokenhearted over something that we said or did that crushed someone? Whether intentional or not.

Lord, thank you for being near when my heart was breaking and putting your arms around me. Reminding me that I have you to love me unconditionally and restore me. Lord, I just pray that I will not crush anyone with my words or deeds today. Lord, I lift up those that are brokenhearted or crushed to draw you near.
In Jesus Name

We are moving to Sayre! Part 2

Mark got his Long Term Care license and got a job in Sayre. I was excited to see what God had in store for us. Mark and I had a marriage that can only be described as bad. I was hoping this would be the change we needed. A new start. A new life.

The plan was that Chris (my oldest) since he was out of school would stay in Miami. Mark would move to Sayre in April. He would start his new job and find us a place to live. We would follow in May after school was out. We being, my 2 girls and Markie. (we now had custody of Mark's son).

God was already at work preparing the way for me. God knew what was going to happen. I must ask myself if I knew what was going to happen would I have gone? Yes, I would have. To discover God's unfailing love for me at the lowest time in my life. You bet I would have. In a heartbeat!

And more to be thankful for.

12. The waterfall at the park.

13. Having an electric heater at work when it's so cold.

14. Laughing with Tiff over the video of Brax saying The Pledge of Allegience.

15. Snuggling with Grayson this morning.

16. Laughing by myself and so hard not caring who saw me.

17. Watching Braxton fall asleep in the cart.

18. Having a nice home to go home to.