Monday, April 26, 2010

God sent an Angel in a time of need......Sayre Part 6 1990

Do you believe in Angles? I do and this is why.

I went to bed that night crying, holding my bible and praying. How was I going to survive this hurt?? So far away from home. No one to lean on but God. GOD who would show me that HE was the only one that I could count on unconditionally.

The frontroom windows and my bedroom windows looked out over the front yard and drive. As I laid there praying my bedroom was suddenly ablaze with light. My schnauzer, named Lady, started barking. I had never seen the bedroom light up that way. I looked out the window and saw a woman she had blonde hair and an old white car was in the driveway with its lights on. My first reaction was that it was Lisa and I thought How Dare Her!!! come to my house in the middle of the night. Hasn't she done enough?? I was mad. I grabbed Lady and headed to the frontroom. I had grabbed Lady to shut her up because I didn't want her to wake the girls. When we got to the frontroom it was ablaze in light. I thought Lisa must have left her car lights on. When I reached the front door I went flying out. I was fighting mad. As I stood on the porch holding Lady I noticed the woman standing there was not Lisa.

The woman standing at the foot of the steps was dressed in a white robe with a gold cord around her waiste and blonde hair. I had never seen this woman before. This is how the conversation went with my ANGEL. Yes, I said Angel.

Woman: Sam has had a heartattack.

Me: Can I help you? Are you looking for someone?

Woman: David's son is on drugs. A tear slides down her face.

Me: What do you need me to do?

Woman: Kathy just lost two of her teenagers in a carwreck. A tear slides down her face.

Woman: Jim is homeless.

I keep asking her what I can do to help her. Do I need to call someone? She continues to tell me about all these people who are hurting. I stop asking her what I can do and just listen. I look at the car in the driveway with it's lights still on. It's an older white car. I still have Lady in my arms and the whole time the woman is talking Lady is being very quiet which is very unusual for her. The woman quietly tells me about all these people who are hurting and I realized there are many more people that are hurting far more than I am. I start saying Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus for showing me that I am not alone in my hurt. As I'm saying this a warm light starts at the top of my head and goes down my body slowly. As it goes down my body I feel such a love that I can't even describe it. When it gets to my feet I turn to go in the house and I look back to see if the is still there she is gone. I look toward the driveway the car is gone. I looked toward the road. No car in sight. There is no way that she could have left in the car that quick. God sent an Angel to me. As I went into the house the house was dark, no longer bright with light. I realized then that the car light would not have shown into the window even with the lights on because the driveway faced the side of the house. NOT directly in front of the house.I went back to bed and slept like a baby with such peace and love. I was going to be fine. Yes, I was going to fine. I was learning to lean totally on God!

I will continue my story with more things that God did the short time we were in Sayre.


Tiffany said...

I love this story--- and glad it's wrote down for me to always go abck and read!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tiff. That night was my favorite time in Sayre and then the things God did following that. It can be so easy to forget what an AWESOME GOD we have.