Tuesday, February 23, 2010

1,000 Gifts

Gifts from God. We get so busy in our everyday life that we miss the gifts each day that we get from God. I got this idea from Gratitude Community. I haven't got this post like I want yet. I'm going to start listing my gifts and will add on to this one date even though it won't actually be the real date. The idea is that doing this will change your life, your outlook, and so on. I can't wait to see how this will change my life. To really see my blessings in the everyday of life.

1. The sun shinning this morning.

2. Sweet Tea from QT.

3. My Family.

4. Braxton saying "Slow Grandma Slow". This was in reference to blowing bubbles.

5. Pedicure. First time.

6. Believing God!

7. Beth Moore bible study.

8. Grayson coming in to my bedroom trying to scare me.

9. My home...having a roof over my head.

10. My job...having a job in this economy.

11. Talking to my friend Janis. I've known her since 6th grade.

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