Tuesday, March 23, 2010

100 Things About Me

1. I was born in Miami, Ok to Norma and E L Patterson.

2. I am very proud of and love my 3 children Chris, Lori and Tiffany. I have a wonderful daughter in law Starla (who I can talk freely about God with) and a wonderful son in law Steve (who I know would protect my baby from harm). I want my children more than anything to have a servants heart for Jesus and serve Him and be successful in whatever they choose to do.

3. I have 4 precious grandchildren who I love very much. Derek my first grandchild, Samantha my first granddaughter, Grayson my granddaughter from my oldest daughter, and Braxton our miracle baby from my youngest daughter. I love watching them grow up.
I want them to grow up with a servants heart for Jesus and be well adjusted adults that want to make a difference.

4. I love big dogs. I have had several and they become the alpha. Which is not good! Maybe because they were male!?! I still miss Jake.

5. I love baseball. I can go to a baseball game by myself and enjoy.

6. I love fall because of football weather. hint: Derek

7. Names that I go by: Lyn, Linda, Linda Kay, Linda Lou, Mom, Momma, Mommy, Grandma, Mammaw, Aunt Linda.

8. I work in the health field and enjoy it.

9. I have been parasailing and loved it.

10. I've been to Hawaii and would like to go back.

11. I thought Maine was beautiful.

12. I loved Panama City Beach. Would like to go back every summer!

13. I love walking on the beach.

14. I love to dance.

15. I like to keep up with the news.

16. I like to watch Ghost Hunters, HGTV, Castle, Dancing with the Stars, Biggest Looser and ID channel.

17. I love listening to Yoshi snore.

18. I hate frogs. They are evil. Did I say I hate FROGS!?!

19. I dislike mean spirited people.

20. I like to go out to eat.

21. I love romantic comedies.

22. I have never seen Titantic or any Star Wars/Star Treck/Twlight for that matter.

23. I love my church.

24. I love flowers; panseys, daisy's and sunflowers.

25. I love land. To be able to look out the window and see land is a blessing.

26. Silent Night is my favorite Christmas Song.

27. I miss my dad, grandma and brother so much.

28. I have friends but not one close friend.

29. I have been married 4 times. Yes, I know.

30. I love Jesus. He is my savior and loves me unconditionally.

31. I enjoy traveling.

32. I have crazy hair. It doesn't matter how it is cut it's going to look the same and to color it? Oh boy, that's another story. My hair is a stylist's nightmare.

33. I was born with red hair.

34. My eyes turned blue when I was 12.

35. I love family gatherings. I love vacations with my kids, grandkids and mom.

36. I like to go hiking.

37. I love having a pool. Very important to me. I love being able to walk out the door and get in the pool whenever I want.

38. I love times spent with just my son and we get to talk.

39. I'm a shy person but try to not show it.

40. I love to laugh.

41. I cry when I watch sad movies or read something sad..

42. I love boating and all the things that go along with it.

43. I like to ride my bicycle. I have rode in Freewheel 10 times and RAGBAI once. I do a lot of thinking when I'm riding and have seen some country that I would never have seen if not on a bike.

44. I would like to ride my bike in Vermont, Maine and along a coast.

44. I like to camp and go rafting.

45. I have had my heart broken so many times that I didn't know if superglue would glue it back together.

46. I can laugh when someone falls. sorry

47. My favorite holidays are Christmas and 4th of July.

48. I love fireworks. Disney World fireworks were the best!

49. I saw a Doors concert when I was 13. Come on baby lite my fire....

50. I love to see Rod Stewart in concert. I've seen him twice. But seeing Billy Joel with Elton John...I would go see Billy Joel again.

51. I like museums and plays.

52. I don't like it when people are bossy. Especially to me. You know who you are.

53. I like to get cards for my birthday, mothers day.....well anytime.

54. Summer is my favorite season, then spring, then fall and then winter.

55. I love watching it snow. But do not like the ice on the roads.

56. I love that Lori knew the song of my heart and lets me be me.

57. I love that I always think I can do it. Even though sometimes I fail.

58. I like to play boardgames and cards.

59. I love to read. Yes, even romantic books by Debbie McComber.

60. I like to go to christian women events or read things that will make me a better person.

61. I enjoy reading and studying my bible.

62. I love my momma and enjoy our times together.

63. I love pink, green, purples, blues.

64. I love to decorate and rearrange.

65. I love to scrapbook.

66. I love Lucia. My compassion child from Boliva. One of these years I hope to be able to go see her.

67. I would love to go on a mission trip.

68. I like to entertain even though I can stress about it.

69. I can get stressed when the house is not clean.

70. I do not like going to the dentist.

71. I had a bad accident while roller skating and bike riding.

72. I miss Easter hunts with my dad and his family.

73. I want to retire to the lake.

74. I like to do crossword puzzles. Trying to keep that mind active.

75. I do not want to be a mean person.

76. I can be sensitive and get my feelings hurt easily. I'm working on that.

77. I don't like people who drive up fast in the lane next to you and think you should let them in. You know who you are.

78. I hate child abuse. Abuse of any kind.

79. I love living in Tulsa.

80. I love the smell of a lawn freshly mowed.

81. I love to watch it storm. I like to sit on the deck when it is raining/storming.

82. I love to go shopping with Tiffany. She's my shopping girl!

83. I love barns. I'm always looking at barns when driving/traveling. You just never know when you will need one. :)

84. I graduated high school with a class of 24. I still have a friend from the 5th grade.

85. Sometimes I like to take a day and just stay in my pajamas and do nothing.

86. I always wanted to be a writer.

87. I love my War Eagle trips with my friends Kim and Dana. There use to be 8 of us and we are down to us 3. We've been going since 1996.

88. I only been geocache once but loved it and hope to get to do more.

89. I'm not very good at waiting.

90. I love to go to Zoos.

91. I'm a card carrying Cherokee.

92. I love to start projects...just don't always finish them.

93. I still believe in Santa.

94. I believe in dreams. You have to have dreams.

95. I love Beth Moore studies.

96. I love Michael O'briens song "If I Said Nothing".

97. I'm a forgiving person. Sometimes forgiving to a fault.

98. My grandmother taught me alot about being a Christian. She was one of the greatest women I ever knew and I miss her so much.

99. I don't like my body showing signs of growing old.

100. I love life on earth but am so thankful that I have an eternal life in heaven.

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